West Seattle Junior Football & Cheer
We provide a positive introduction to youth football and cheer and instill young athletes with skills that go beyond the playfield.
West Seattle Junior Football and Cheer is a proud member of the North Sound Junior Football League
All teams are organized by grade. We have professional athletic trainers and PNFOA referees at all games. Taken together, this increases participation and the overall safety of the game.
NSJFL Divisions
All teams are organized by grade with the following exceptions:
No fifteen- (15) year olds or
ninth (9th) graders are allowed to play in NSJFL. Any 14 year old playing also must not turn 15 before December 1st. No
9 year old is allowed to play Pee Wees, no 11 year old is allowed to play 89ers, and no 13 year old is allowed to play
Junior’s. Any Rosters or NSID rosters that show a players age outside of their division must be brought before the NSJFL
Associate and NSJFL Executive boards. Shall be disclosed by the organization whose players age is outside the division

West Seattle Jr Football and Cheer
3614 A California Ave SW, #147
Seattle, WA 98116