Team Overviews
West Seattle Junior Football & Cheer offers seven football programs and one cheer program. A quick overview of each program is below.
76er Flag
Ages (as of July 1) and Weight (lbs)
- 5-year-olds have unlimited weight.
- 6-year-olds have unlimited weight.
- 7-year-olds have unlimited weight.
Here are the rules (pdf) for 76er flag.
76er Tackle (USA Rookie Football)
76ers play USA Rookie Football. See Video. See NJFL Rookie Tackle 7-player rules
Ages (as of July 1) and Weight (lbs)
- 5-years-olds have unlimited weight.
- 6-year-olds have unlimited weight.
- 7-year-olds have have a max weight 80 pounds.
7-year-olds may play as 89ers if the franchise does not field a 76er team.
Ages (as of July 31) and Weight (lbs)
- 7-year-olds have unlimited weight.
- 8-year-olds have a unlimited weight.
- 9-year-olds have a max weight of 104 pounds.
Ages (as of July 31) and Weight (lbs)
- 9-year-olds have unlimited weight.
- 10-year-olds have a max weight of 120 pounds.
- 11-year-olds have a max weight of 86 pounds.
Ages (as of July 31) and Weight (lbs)
- 10-year-olds have unlimited weight.
- 11-year-olds have a max weight of 136 pounds.
- 12-year-olds have a max weight of 96 pounds.
Ages (as of July 31) and Weight (lbs)
- 11-year-olds have unlimited weight.
- 12-year-olds have a max weight of 153 pounds.
- 13-year-olds have a max weight of 110 pounds.
Ages (as of July 31) and Weight (lbs)
- 12-year-olds have unlimited weight.
- 13-year-olds have unlimited weight.
- 14-year-olds have a max weight of 200 pounds.
9th graders are unable to participate.
Ages 8-12 (as of July 31)
Registration cost includes hair bow, long sleeve liner, shell top, skirt, boy cut briefs, socks, shoes, poms.
We start 2-night a week practices in early August when we begin learning all our cheers, working on jumps, stunting, and learning our halftime routine. Games are every Saturday starting in September (times/locations vary). Please only sign your daughter up for cheer if you can commit to being at all or most all of the practices and games. It’s challenging to perform safe and cohesive routines that include stunts, tumbling, and specific formations when we have missing cheerleaders.
Registration cut off date and uniform fitting is April 15.
West Seattle Jr Football and Cheer
3614 A California Ave SW, #147
Seattle, WA 98116