Player Safety
West Seattle Junior Football & Cheer (WSJF&C) is committed to safety. Working in concert with our league (the North Sound Junior Football League, NSJFL) and fellow franchises, we are working to make football a much safer game.
- All our coaches are certified in the USA Football Heads Up Football program and by the Positive Coaching Alliance (PCA).
- Players are slotted by Grade level.
- We have professional athletic trainers at all games.
- All our referees are from the Pacific Northwest Football Officials Association (PNFOA). These are the referees who work at high school football.
- Our league was in partnership with Seattle Children’s Hospital and the University of Washington (UW) on a groundbreaking study about youth concussions.
Athletic Trainers Part of UW and Children's Hospital Partnership
WSJF&C, the NSJFL, Seattle Children’s Hospital, and the UW were partners in a research study (that began in 2016) to protect our youth and improve player safety. (More info | See video.)
As part of the study, Children’s and the UW provided professional athletic trainers at all league games. Parents and staff also received educational materials on prevention and recognition of injury. Drs. Stan Herring, Sam Browd, and Fred Rivara managed the research that provide important knowledge on prevention and management of injuries in young athletes. Participation in this effort also allowed trainers to assist with game injuries and, in the rare event of a concussion, ensure the player is provided quality immediate care and follow-up.
Although the study has concluded, the NJFL is planning to have certified athletic trainers at all games.
Related Articles
- Seattle Pediatric: Concussion and Injury Surveillance in Youth Football Study
- UW Medicine – The Sports Institute: Concussion and Injury Surveillance in Youth Football Players
- Seattle Children's: New Findings on Concussion in Football's Youngest Players
PNFOA Referees
One of the most effective ways we are keeping our games safe is having quality referees on the field. All WSJF&C referees come from the PNFOA, the same body that provides referees to all high school games in the King County area. This provides for consistency, accountability, and an overall understanding of our safety principles.

West Seattle Jr Football and Cheer
3614 A California Ave SW, #147
Seattle, WA 98116