Team Overviews
West Seattle Junior Football & Cheer offers seven football programs and one cheer program. A quick overview of each program is below.
The player’s age on July 31st shall be the player’s league age for the current season. No fifteen- (15) year olds or
ninth (9th) graders are allowed to play in NSJFL. Any 14 year old playing also must not turn 15 before December 1st. No
9 year old is allowed to play Pee Wees, no 11 year old is allowed to play 89ers, and no 13 year old is allowed to play

Pee Wees
- Kindergarten
- First Grade
- Second Grade
- Third Grade
- Fourth Grade

- Fifth Grade
- Sixth Grade
- Seventh Grade

- Eighth Grade
9th graders are unable to participate.
Ages 8-14 (as of July 31)
Registration cost includes hair bow, long sleeve liner, shell top, skirt, boy cut briefs, socks, shoes, poms.
We start mandatory 2-night a week practices on Tuesdays and Wednesdays from 5:30-7 starting in August through October with games on Saturdays in September and October (the season could possibly go into November depending on if any of the football teams make the playoffs). We will also have a mandatory summer camp the first week of August (8/4-8/8) from 5-7pm where the cheerleaders will learn all the chants and work on jumps, stunts, tumbling passes, and a halftime performance. PLEASE do not register your child for cheer if you are unavailable for the summer camp dates, have a conflict with practice, or cannot make Saturday games due to other sports/commitments. We strive for consistent attendance to ensure all cheerleaders have a great experience and are all learning and growing as a squad. Practices for the week are required in order to perform at that Saturday’s game so we can ensure we can practice all stunts and safely perform them at the games.
Registration cut off date and uniform fitting is May 15.

West Seattle Jr Football and Cheer
3614 A California Ave SW, #147
Seattle, WA 98116