Who do I contact for ...
General questions about the program? First-time parents to football or our franchise?
Please feel free to contact any of the volunteers below for information or contact us at our general email account westseattleswildcats@gmail.com. Don't forget to follow us on Facebook too.
Listed below are the 2025 volunteers and contacts. We are seeking new volunteers for the 2025 season. Come join the fun.

General Issues and Concerns
As a general rule, your head coach should be your first line of consult should concerns arise about your player and/or team.
If after speaking with your head coach you feel it is necessary to loop in an additional perspective for resolution, please see the board liaison. The board liaison is a neutral party between the coaching staff and the board of directors. The liaison will determine if a concern should be brought forward to the board of directors and will represent a neutral perspective in the process.
Game day protocol: West Seattle Junior Football & Cheer's policy for concerns that arise on gameday Saturday is to wait until Tuesday to address them with the head coach.

West Seattle Jr Football and Cheer
3614 A California Ave SW, #147
Seattle, WA 98116