Communications and Expectations


Our ultimate goal as volunteers and parents/guardians is to instill values that live on long after the game is over. Good sportsmanship, community involvement, civility and citizenship are modeled first by the example of adults and then, mirrored by our youth.

Keeping this perspective in the heat of competition is often difficult. However, we expect our parents/guardians and players to abide by a code of conduct and we ask that our fans follower the parent/guardian code of conduct.

Tips for Being a Great Fan

  • Tell your player you love watching them play.
  • Have fun. When you're having a good time, you're player will too.
  • Volunteer where you can. (We have jobs small, medium, and hour, one day or more)
  • Be respectful to others. If you have a disagreement, take responsibility for your feelings and actions.
  • Follow the rules and the laws.
  • Protect the environment and respect property. Pick up trash and help clean up around you.

Thank you for supporting our program. We love our fans!


Parents/guardians and players can expect to be kept informed through the following communications tools. Our aim is to give you the information you need and want while being sensitive to the amount of content you receive on a daily basis.

Stay Informed and Up-to-Date

  • Email Newsletter: An email digest is sent to the email you used during player registration (check your spam filter for West Seattle Wildcats). Updates and reminders from a franchise-wide perspective are sent periodically.
  • TeamSnap Mobile Application: Download this handy application to receive team communications from your coach and team parents. Schedules, game and practice information, and often last minute changes are communicated through TeamSnap.
  • Wildcats Facebook: Follow us on Facebook. See and share gameday photos and videos, articles, and other helpful information.

Send Us Your Photos and Ideas

Thanks for your patience as we strive to keep each other informed and respond to inquiries while balancing our volunteer roles with work and family.