Registration Instructions

Thank you for your interest in West Seattle Junior Football & Cheer.

We use TeamSnap's registration platform. If you already have a TeamSnap account, you will use your current login name and password. If you don't have an account, you will need to create a new one. You should also download the TeamSnap app for your phone. If you have trouble registering, visit the TeamSnap help service.

Before you register, there are a few things you need to note.

Registration Fees

  • Regular registration fees:
    • Cheer – $350 (include uniform cost)
    • Pee Wees, 89'ers, Juniors, Bantams and Seniors – $350
  • Football registration fees includes seasonal use of helmet, chin strap, shoulder pads, jersey, socks, and wrist coach. 
  • Full payment by July 15 reserves a spot on a football team unless the team is already full. Full payment for cheer is due July 15.
  • Payment is required to receive equipment.
  • Registrants with unpaid balances will not be added to a roster.

Discounts, Scholarships, and Payment Plans

  • Installments plans paid by credit card and partial payments are accepted.
    • The first installment payment is $87.50, and the remaining three installments are charged monthly.
    • Payment in full by the deadline is required to secure a spot on a team.
  • If you are interested in applying for a financial-need-based scholarship, go to the Contacts webpage and send an email to Jessica Meeds, our scholarship coordinator. There are no scholarships for cheer uniforms.
  • A multi-child discount is available for immediate family members. It's $25 off for each child registered beyond the first registered child.

Player and Team Info

  • Players may participate only in the Grade division they are assigned. 
  • Football teams are limited to 29 players. We do maintain a waitlist.
  • Practice begins the first Monday in August from 5 to 7 p.m. at Hiawatha Park. Other important dates are listed in the Parent/Guardian section.

Information Required to Register

The following information is required for registration: 

  • Age on July 31 – You will need to know the participant's age on July 31 of this year. 
  • Medical insurance info – Insurance provider, address, phone and policy number.
  • Physician's name and phone number
  • Medical information – Allergies, last tetanus shot, etc.
  • Emergency contacts – Names and phone numbers.
  • A picture of the child (optional)
  • Payments method – Credit cards and ACH accepted. No cash or checks.

You should also locate your player's birth certificate or proof of birth (football only) if you are new to the program. You will need to provide a legible paper copy at equipment distribution in early August.

Helpful Tip: When signing the documents and waivers on the registration form, you'll see your name in a box in gray scale. Type it exactly how it appears.

Registration Fees


  • Cheer: $350 (includes uniform)
  • PeeWee to Seniors (Tackle): $350

Refund Policy Information

First Practice

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West Seattle Jr Football and Cheer

3614 A California Ave SW, #147

Seattle, WA 98116 

Donate with Venmo